Wednesday, 3 April 2019

#AtoZChallenge C- Concealor

One of the must-have product that you should keep in your kit is, my friends, concealer. You should never underestimate the power of a concealer.

Especially, us Indians. Most of us have dark circles under our eyes and pigmentation too. You just cannot have a well-finished base, if you’ve not done concealing correctly.

I have made a short video for you guys to check out the amount of difference, a concealer brings on your beautiful face.

Did you notice? The difference between both the eyes? I had done before and one is in this video. I used the concealer under my eyes and around my mouth.

You need to buy the concealer according to your own skin type and requirement. If you are planning to buy one, please invest in a good one and I can bet, you will thank me later.

Go to the nearest cosmetic store and ask the sales girl to help you find the right shade.

Application of the concealer is pretty simple. Take the desired amount of it on your fingertip or apply directly, if you have liquid concealer. Blend it well. Cover it up with BB cream/foundation/compact depending on your need of the makeup.

And voila! You’re done.

In this video, I’ve kept it really simple. Just the concealer, compact and I’m done.

P.S: Check out the difference in my brows and comment below if you want me to do a tutorial on how to get those perfect eyebrows.

Till then, stay pretty.

Before                                            After

There are several products used to give to a flawless base which I have avoided here to keep it simple and doable (considering you guys might run away looking at so many steps :D :P)


Welcome to my Blog! This A to Z Challenge season, I’m going to give you a ride and take you to all the places untouched! My theme this year is A to Z of Makeup', where I’ll be sharing about the various tricks and tips on makeup, videos and do’s and don’ts that might help you here and there.

Stay tuned to find out what's more in store!

6 Discussion

  1. Wow! Amazing difference, yaar!
    I remember when my sister was getting married in 2011, the beautician had to use a lot of concealer on me 'coz I had big dark circles under my eyes due to lack of sleep with all the wedding preparations. And yupp, it sure is magical! :D

    Find my C post @ How to Create Amazing Content to Grow Your Business? The Simplest 5-Key Content Creation Strategy

    1. We all have! Dark circles are most common!


  2. I have never used concealer, simply because I am fearful of 'looking made up'Your video has changed my mind though. I am going to head to the neasrest departmental store and look for the right concealer soon.

    P:S: I couldn't find share buttons on your post. Do add them so more people could have access to your post when we share them.

    1. You should try it once and I can bet on this, once you start using it you will never be able to do without this product. If used in the right quantity, it will never look that made up look.

      I'm happy my video changed your mind a bit..
      Looking forward to hear concealer stories from you.



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