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Friday, 19 April 2019

#AtoZChallenge Q- Q-tip


Yes. That’s what they’re called in the world of makeup!

Ever spoilt your liner after spending minutes in front of the mirror? And then regretted it? And then because it got so thick or by mistake, you placed a dot at the place not required? And because of all this, you had to clean your whole eye, not to mention the whole makeup, because you were trying to clean up that accident, in the first place? Isn’t it annoying to clean the face and then start all over again?!

I know it is… Big time! At least, it was my story for sure! Until I learned this trick!

I have brought a really fine quick tip to fix that extra liner or mascara dot if placed accidentally anywhere near your eye without disturbing any other part of the makeup!

The answer is the simple Q-tip.

So for example, in this video, I accidentally placed a big dot above my lashes while applying mascara (Okay, don’t roll your eyes! It wasn’t an accident. I deliberately did that to show you guys :P :D ;)). The idea is to not touch it or disturb it immediately. Let it be there for 5 minutes and allow it to get dry properly. Meanwhile, you can finish off the other part of the makeup. Now take your q-tip and scrape off the product. It will come out easily without leaving any marks behind.

That’s it and you’re done!

Tip: This can be done with liquid liners and mascaras.

Caution: Please do not apply q-tip to gel liners just like that. It will only spoil your makeup. This trick works with liquid liners.

Let me know if it was helpful to you.


1 Discussion

  1. Oh those Q tips!
    I know they are so popular! Lol
    I generally suck at makeup so the only thing I need is a Tip minus the Q :)


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