Friday, 29 July 2016

Personalized Cards *Cherished BlogFest* CBF16

Yes, I love cards, the personalised ones! Just love them. And the way my sister crafts them, they turn out even more beautiful. Whoever sees those cards wants one for them, but obviously, I am the privileged one here and I take full advantage of that! Not that I ask her to make one for me!

The first giant card she made was for my birthday before the wedding and believe me it was huge. Sometimes, I wonder what is she doing in her 9 to 5 job... O let me correct 9 to no fixed-time hour job? Only she knows!

She makes cards for others as well, her close friends and folks but the kinds she has made for me, she hasn’t made such for anyone else! Does it sound like I’m boasting here? Yes, I am. And it’s fun to sometimes. Yes, I am bragging about my sister and her creativity and the love that she has in her heart for me!

And this not just you know sticking pictures and writing something something. It’s beyond that. It’s the pain that she takes to make it a perfect one, the endless sleepless nights that it takes to make the card for the given date (morning-afternoon, evening is all office), and putting her heart and soul just to bring that smile on my face! Am I not lucky to have her? Of course, I am!

Below is the glimpse of the card. I don’t have the pictures of the first card, but I have the second one :D

Isn't the card pretty? Pretty would be an understatement for a card like this one.

I have another card made by friends but don't have a picture to share with you. Will share in some other post.

Words have a special place in my heart. I always look forward to cards on special days and love to read what that person has written by themselves. It adds so much of personal touch, doesn't it?

It all started when I was in class 11, and for the first time, Ar and I exchanged cards! And the amount of stuff we wrote for each other... It was beyond one's expectations! Looked like we were writing for the board examinations :P

It's always good to express what's there in your heart and receive the love in various forms!

Cards are something I cherish. I love cards and enjoy reading them :)

What is your most cherished thing? Share with me in the comments.

Written for Cherish BlogFest CBF16 and linking with Half Marathon Blogging Challenge with Blogchatter. Today is Day 13 of the challenge.


Thursday, 28 July 2016

Reflections~ July

It’s almost end of July. Yah, yah... None of us know where the month and the year have gone by and pondering about it every month has become a new cliché. But what do we do? Time slips away without even letting us know?

July was a month full of work, events, health and family.

The month started with the birthday celebrations of a dear friend followed by the Felicitation Party that is hosted for the students congratulating them and refreshing them for the upcoming course. This little world that I share with my students is truly a gift in every sense. I cherish it, I feel happy about it and I am thankful for it. Every student of mine holds a special place in my heart. No matter if I teach them now or not, but they’re the ones who have shaped me as a teacher and made me who I am.

After a really long time, R (a dear friend of mine) and I shopped! Though I didn’t shop much but it was fun after a long time. Given our schedules and its timings, it becomes quite handy to meet that often. We shopped, we ate, and we chatted and poured our hearts! Doesn’t it sound enticing? I’m looking forward to doing it again next month :P

I’m grateful to have friends in the city whom I can meet share my woes and add happiness to our lives!

This month also invited non-stop eating. Yes, keeping an eye on diet was put aside and all I did was nurture my all-time-junk-cravings! Of course, at odd hours. I knew somewhere in my heart that I was crossing the line, but then who cares came into the picture! What am I suppose to do?

I saw Kabali and Madaari. Kabali, I didn’t like. At all. Madaari, I loved! Brilliant acting, brilliant plot and outstanding performance! The hard-hitting reality is pointed in the movie and if you have not watched it yet, please go and watch it! And thank me later ;)

Husband was out of town for a day and it was nice and I wrote a post in his absence: P :D

The party with the students was fun... actually more than fun! All of them were dressed up as hell and saying gorgeous would be an understatement! All my students looked stunning! And we danced... and danced non-stop! For full 3 hours and we didn’t stop... at all! As the DJ was changing the numbers, we were changing our steps and positions!

Lots of chatting with the students revealed lots of stories and it was fun learning them. Doesn’t it feel amazing when you come to know so many new things about yourself, something that had been there for a while but only you were oblivious to it?

It was a day well spent, bringing in lots of headaches for me along with high fever! I guess I danced way too much! And since then, I’m trying to come out of viral but just couldn’t!

Today is still better, but past two days, I was a mess! I don’t like falling sick! But then, who does?

I’m glad I could take the class today and didn’t miss it, like the other day!

I am grateful for taking up the #HalfMarathon Blogging challenge. It sure has made me do some writing and I’m glad for not leaving it in between. Two days back when I wasn’t feeling well, I simply didn’t want to write. All I could think of was how to give up, but then the word ‘challenge’ kind of motivated me to stick to it!

I know it my heart if it wouldn’t be for the challenge I would never have written a word! I’m happy that I took it up!

What are things you’re happy about this July?

Join me and others at Vidya Sury’s Gratitude Circle Blogshop.

I’m participating in Half Marathon Blogging Challenge with Blogchatter. Today is Day 12 of the challenge.


Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Crankiness Overloaded

How many of you feel cranky when you’re not well?

My level of crankiness tops the charts, box office or whatever standard measure you want to consider.
I think non-stop, I barely am able to find comfort, it becomes hard for to me to lay at ease, and I miss my mother and my father the most.

Actually thinking about them, and they not being here with me and on top of that knowing that they don’t know about my existing condition makes me shed tears even more! Falling sick is my weakest point. I lose my calm and become way too sensitive.

The way they take care of me, no one can and I doubt no one ever will! That’s the thing about parents, you see.

Nobody can fill that gap, that hole, and nobody can compensate their presence as well! And I simply want them around! But then I realize I’m an adult now and should behave like one! You can’t call them all the time and tell them how pathetic you feel with your current health status, coz you’re ’mature’! I hate to be mature at such times!

I want them by my side. Simple.

And why do we live so far from them? It’s a drive of 6 hours, which is not that far, but at this moment I feel it’s like 100 light years!!

Moreover, the taste buds stop functioning! I don’t feel like eating anything or doing anything for that matter.

Technically, this is when I feel the crankiest of all times!

How do you deal when you’re not well? When you fall sick, what becomes your strength? How do you cope up with it? Share with me, please! I need to know and learn it as well!

I’m participating in Half Marathon Blogging Challenge with Blogchatter. Today is Day 11 of the challenge.


Tuesday, 26 July 2016


‘Don’t go to the class. You have fever’

‘I’m fine. Feeling better.’

After a few hours

‘How did the first half go?’

‘It was fine. Couldn’t speak much. Left a bit early’

‘Now rest and cancel the other session’

‘I can’t. I called at the institute and it’s not possible. Students have arrived, already! I can’t ask them to return now’

‘Your temperature right now is 3   . You can’t even afford to stand at the moment, let alone take the class.’

With a heavy heart and deep guilt, I cancelled the class and let the lone tear escape my eyes!

I’m participating in Half Marathon Blogging Challenge with Blogchatter. Today is Day 10 of the challenge.


Monday, 25 July 2016

Unlock Yourself!

Get up and move out
Unlock yourself from this room
Of tyranny and lost hope!

I’m participating in Half Marathon Blogging Challenge with Blogchatter. Today is Day 9 of the challenge.

Linking with Haiku Horizons 

Haiku is a traditional form of a Japanese poetry that consists of 3 lines, following a 5-7-5 syllable rule (first and third line 5 syllables, middle line 7 syllables). They don’t necessarily have to rhyme.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

An Open Letter to my 16-year-old self

Hey Geetika,

Stop crying! What are you fretting over? And what has happened that has made you look like this? You’ve started getting dark circles under your eyes. And it’s not healthy. I know you’re worried about your studies. But stop worrying. Start studying. I know you do, but you have so many distractions piled up while you’re so oblivious towards them.

I know you start your day at 5 in the morning, get ready and then run to the tuition, then school, then tuition, then home, then lunch then tuition again! Half of your day is gone already! While you get back home, you feel this need to talk to someone. I know you don’t have anyone by your side. You aren’t that close to your sister and your brother is too young to talk to. Your mother won’t understand your dilemma. Moreover, your dad is really strict.

I know you want to make him proud and you will one day. But you think way too much! Not your fault either. Every time he enters the home you’re doing everything but studying. Of course, he gets annoyed not seeing you dived into books. But that isn’t your entire fault either. Is it? It is not your problem if he’s home the moment you move away from your study table, right? You gotta to leave books at some point!

You have your school homework, plus tuition homework and above all, self-studies! You are going to get frustrated. Obviously!

And the friends that you have... don’t do so much for them. They’re not worthy of you. They make fun of you behind your back and they want you to be the laughing stock for everyone. Don’t let them do this. Have faith in you. Even if you are alone, you don’t have to run after them. They will anyway part ways with you.

But it’s not all their fault. Everyone has their own interest. They’re inclined towards boys a bit more than usual, and you have in your head that boys will be coming and going, but it’s more important to make your career first. After all, it’s the boards, this year. Of course, your father doesn’t let you forget that for sure!
Life isn’t going to stop after class 10th. And boards are not everything. You are going to have wonderful two years ahead of your school life, if only you believe me. You are going to score well in next two years and that will bring a lot of confidence in you.

You want to stay friends with your friends but don’t want to entertain much gossip pertaining to boys and yet want to be a part of their life. But that’s not how it works. Also, coz you’ve changed your place, you’ve got a few new friends about whom you share with your school friends. And mind you, they don’t like to hear much about them. You don’t know this yet. You will learn it soon and feel sad. Again! But what wrong are you doing anyway? Friends are supposed to ‘share’ stuff right?!

But hey, don’t you be all anxious girl; YOU ARE going to be loaded with friends in the near future. In fact, you’re going to be the best of a friend they will ever have and they will only say this to you. You are going to share their happiness, laughter, joy, sorrows, heartbreaks, and adventures and make some beautiful memories for a lifetime that you will cherish all your life.

And believe me, lots of boys are going to have a crush on you. You will have so many guys as your best buddies, buddies for life. Few will fall in love with you, like you the way you are and make you feel special.

Sure, they will break your heart and you will feel bad but that will only make you strong!

The career that you are so determined to make, will give you new paths for sure, and you will meet some wonderful mentors during that time. They will support you, encourage you, guide you and even scold you. But you will grow... for good!

You will live your life to the full and you will make your parents proud one day.

And don’t worry about your looks or body so much! Your size will vary with age! And you will be happy about it!

And your hair, yes you’ve got curls and they’re beautiful! But you like straight hair more. They too suit you well, but curls aren’t that bad either. And trust me, one day you are going to get them straight, and flaunt them all. Curls make your hair look short but that’s fine.

Ignore what your distant relatives and cousins blabber. Stop fretting over your hair so much.

And your skin and its tone are perfectly fine. Beauty and fairness aren't the same things. Be confident. Smile. That makes you beautiful and not the umpteen fairness creams and face packs that you have. And why are you dying to have pimples so much? I know you’ve never had one and you want to know what are they exactly, but you are going to have plenty of them... to an extent that will make you hide under sheets!!

Sure society gives more attention to fair girls, but you aren’t that bad either. Things will fall in place and you are going to have a wonderful life ahead!

And you know what? You're going to write poems someday! Can you believe it? Once in class 8th, your teacher made you write one, and you couldn’t write one then, but you will write plenty of them in future. If only you know now, that you like writing, you would pursue a career in that and learn a great deal.

And you know what's future got in stored for you? You're going to become a teacher! Ever thought of that? You always wanted to keep in touch with the younger crowd, right? It's going to happen! And your students are going to love you! And so will you!

Did I tell you, your sister with whom you fight so much and wish if she didn’t exist, is going to be your best friend! You both are going to be each other's closest confidantes!  Imagine!! You and her are going to be each other’s lifelines.

Have faith in yourself and in your parents. They do things for you that are good for you. Yes, you love and respect them but have faith in them as well. Learn to connect the dots and always follow your heart. You’re going to do just fine in life!

Your future self.

Disclaimer: The views mentioned above are purely mine and do not point anyone particular. This letter is only written because I wanted to write and doesn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings. It took a lot of courage to pour my heart on paper and it's few of the most honest posts I've ever written.

I’m participating in the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge with Blogchatter. Today is Day 8 of the challenge.


Friday, 22 July 2016

Ten to One: Know me More

Okay, so yesterday I was going through Roshan’s post and obviously, it interested me. I mean I was more interested in knowing more about him but as I scrolled down towards the end, I realized I wanted to do it too. And these tags are always fun to play right? So here I am ready to load you with more information about myself!

Ten Hows!

1.      How did you get one of your scars? I have one above my forehead, smothered with my not-so-thick-hair. I was a child and was tempted to watch the television but the switch of the TV was a bit high. I took a stool and like a brave heart stumbled upon it only to fall on the stairs and hurt myself! Looks like I shouldn’t have acted brave then!
2.      How did you celebrate your last birthday? It was a small affair between me and my close friends. They brought me a couple of things but a personalized card from them made my day :), followed by a surprise by my husband. Isn’t he thoughtful sometimes? I’m happy he is :)
3.      How are you feeling at this moment? Hot and annoyed! Something happened and I am still not over it yet!
4.      How did your night go last? Good. Had a sound sleep.
5.      How did you do in high school? Not so well. Grades were okay but that wasn’t the only thing. My group got split. I parted ways with the one who used to be my best friend. All the girls used to talk behind my back, they used to bully me as well, and I used to sit in the corner and cry. Alone. I had an extremely low self-esteem. I never want my high school back. Ever
6.      How did you get the shirt you are wearing? Bought it last year. It says, ‘Shopping is my cardio’ and hell yeah, it sure is!
7.      How often do you see your best friends? Once in 6 months or once in a year, I guess.
8.      How much money did you spend last month? Haven’t calculated but I did spend a fortune! I was travelling... I had to shop! Don’t give me those looks!
9.      How old do you want to be when you get married? I turned 24 and just after three days I got married!
10.  How old will you be on your next birthday? 28

9 What’s!

1.      Your mother’s name: How is it related here?
2.      What did you do last weekend? Outing, eating junk, chilling out, relaxing, watching TV... what else do you want to know? ;)
3.      What is the most important part of your life? Relationships!
4.      What would you rather be doing? Counselling?
5.      What did you last cry over? Don’t remember. Been a while I’ve shed a tear.
6.      What always makes you feel better when you’re upset? Writing. Sometimes talking to people who're close to me. And sometimes stay mum. The whole day! I know that's quite unlike me, but that is how it is!
7.      What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other? Understanding  and sense of humour
8.      What did you have for breakfast? Dhokla and a glass of milk

8. You's!

1.      Have you ever liked someone who had a girlfriend/boyfriend? Nope.
2.      Have you ever had your heart broken? Yup. Many times.
3.      Have you ever been out of the country? Yes. Few times
4.      Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? Yes. I do it all the time :P
5.      Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend? Yes. And it sucks.
6.      Have you ever had sex on the beach? Cocktail? Yes. Otherwise No :P
7.      Have you ever read an entire book in a day? Nope. I know it’s sad.

7 Who’s!

1.      Who was the last person you saw? My MIL
2.      Who was the last person you texted? My student
3.      Who was the last person you hung out with? My friend R.
4.      Who was the last person to call you? My sister.
5.      Who did you last hug? One of my distant grandmother and she is really a sweetheart.
6.      Who is the last person who texted you? My student.
7.      Who is the last person you said, “I Love You” to? Husband, who else?!

6 Where’s!

1.      Where do your best friends live? All over the country. Some in Delhi, some in Bombay, some in Bangalore, some here in Kanpur.
2.      Where did you last go? Kolkata.
3.      Where did you last hung out? Lakme Salon with my friend if that counts :P
4.      Where do you go to school? St. Anthony’s Junior College, Agra. Best school!
5.      Where is your favorite place to be? Not yet found.
6.      Where did you sleep last night? At my home.

5 Do’s!

1.      Do you think anyone likes you? Yes.
2.      Do you ever wish you were someone else? Nope....
3.      Do you know the muffin man? Who’s that..??
4.      Does the future scare you? Yes. Sometimes.
5.      Do your parents know about your blog? Of course. They read it when I ask them to :P

4 Why’s!

1.      Why are you best friends with your best friend? We share a lot. In fact, everything when we meet. Without any judgement, we pour our hearts. And we have seen a lot of high’s and low’s together!
2.      Why did you get into blogging? The idea of having a blog always fascinated me.
3.      Why did your parents give you the name you have? ‘cos  they liked it and it wasn’t that common when they kept it, I guess.
4.      Why are you doing this survey? For fun obviously!!

3 Ifs!

1.      If you could have one super power what could it be? Umm... probably erase the sufferings of my near and dear ones. Also, I secretly want to hear what people talk behind one’s back :P
2.      If you could go back in one time and change one thing, would you? Yes, I will.
3.      If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring one thing, what would you bring? Water. A book, and something to fill my belly.

2 Would you ever?

1.      Would you ever get back together if one of your ex’s ever asked you? Nope.
2.      Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? Yes. Why wouldn’t I?

1 last question!

1.      Are you happy with your life right now? Sometimes Yes, sometimes No!

Do you want to do this? If you do please drop your link in the comments sections. I’d love to go through and know more about you!

I’m participating in the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge with Blogchatter. Today is Day 6 of the challenge.

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