We live in times that we scroll through the Whatsapp/Contact list
to see who it is we can talk to and yet don’t find a single person to rescue us
from the loneliness at that moment… I remember the time, say 6-7 years from
now, when Facebook was a rare thing and only “friends” used to be there in the
friend list. Whatever you did or shared on Facebook, those friends actually
cared and connected through it. It was the time when having mere 20 Likes on a
photo was more than enough coz all 20 of them were real likes… Friends with
whom we stayed in touch, friends who really mattered to us and whose single
‘Like’ would mean they know how we are doing.
I wonder how times have changed where having 300 likes on a photo from people we barely interact isn’t a big deal… the friend list is huge and yet there is not a single soul with whom we can talk when needed the most. We’re all busy… busy in our lives making money, working our ass off in the offices, having a family to take care of at home. In the middle of all this chaos, friends become some familiar faces we used to know. Those who were best friends are now mere acquaintances and people we hardly thought would make forward in our lives seem to be the only contacts we’re left with.
We’re all grown-ups now, we have ego issues, we have our reasons to not call and in between this we all learn to live without each other, to let go of the relations we never thought we’d ever been able to live without and the worst thing is it doesn’t hurt… it isn’t painful... it’s all numb, Neutral…
|It doesn’t matter anymore and we hardly care to make the difference, to make the first move, to see the change it might bring because of one small gesture.
Are we really dying inside? Or we’ve just learned to live on the surface and put a smile on our faces for the world to showcase?
How can times change us so much? So much so that NOTHING REALLY MATTERS?!