Monday, 20 March 2017

Let's see the Other Side: Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge

A to Z Challenge is like the biggest mela that happens once in a year round the globe! The baap of all the challenges has become such a massive affair not just because of the huge numbers that sign up for it, but more so because the madness it creates and the thrill it brings around the globe. And believe me, the number keeps on rising every year!

This is the third year in a row of my A to Z experience, and I can’t be any happier. When I participated the first time, everything was haywire. There was no theme, no posts scheduled and no planning at all. And yet the challenge was fun! That's the magic of AtoZ!

The second year, I chose a theme and scheduled a few posts beforehand. Choosing a theme gives a lot of perspectives and makes your write ups more sorted. Sure, I was running behind after a few scheduled posts! 

And here I am for the third year now. I’m sure it’s going to be equally fun! As I am writing this, a kind of anxiousness is running behind my mind because I haven’t scheduled a single post as yet! 

Don’t know how it’s going to unfurl this year?! Until this moment, I was having second thoughts about continuing with this theme, but I think I'll go for it!

Now, time to reveal the theme for April AtoZ Challenge, 2017. Can we have the drum rolls, please!

My theme for this year is: 

Let’s look things differently!

Yes, this year, I want to bring out the things where we see things in a conventional way and yet every story has its own side, the one which we fail to see and draw conclusions. Every day, there will be instances that will bring us to the reality we all live in. By writing on this theme, I hope it will change things a bit, give new dimensions to our perspective and help us be those compassionate individuals who’re willing to be the change in our society and make it a better place!

Get ready to get on the magical ride of the daily nuances that happen in all our lives. If only, we pay them to heed and see on a positive note! Some will be happy ones while some would make you ponder for a lot of things that prevail in our society.  

I hope you enjoy reading the posts, as much as I’d enjoy writing them! Stay tuned!

Have a month full of reading and writing!


Friday, 17 March 2017

Should I walk on you?

As I stand here
On this long path 
Obscure, undiscovered and untamed
I see my whole life ahead
Waiting for me 
To unleash 
The possibilities
And make a life 
Full of dreams turning into realities!
Should I walk on you? 

There's a long way to go
And I should choose happiness 
Above everything else.
Now it may seem hard
But that's the right thing to do
For they say
If it's good, it's never going to be easy!
Should I walk on you? 

I tried
A lot,
But can't anymore! 
Why does it feel so difficult? 
Choosing your own happiness 
Why does it sounds 
so Selfish? 

I know
I won't be happy 
If it stays the way it is.
Sure we need to 
Pay the price 
For things we choose
for Ourselves! 
Should I walk on you? 

Linking with Friday Reflections

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Love quotient... is it still a Question?

One thing that really moved me in a long time is the conversation I had with a really close friend of mine. We talk about almost everything going on in our lives... love, sex, kids, family, friends, enemies... everything!

There are certain things you learn from time to time and yet there are truths that hit you in your face like nothing else.

|There are things that smash you down and leave you broken. There are conversations that take away every bit of peace and sanity in you, leaving you behind absolutely numb.

Building brick by brick, one tries to make their relationship/marriage into a less miserable one but when they learn the truth, all they feel is, it was all utter waste. Waste of time, waste of energy, waste of efforts, and a waste of every single ounce of pain that you take for your relationship.

At the end of the day, when you learn that there is no significant difference between you and that yapping lady next door who is always, mind you always, is on her toes to eat her husbands’ head for every petty thing in her life and you, on the other hand, control the strongest desire of yours to talk about things that worry you and wait for the right time to discuss, or try to understand the frame of mind of your partner and then mould yourself accordingly, or after waiting for like a billion years, when you finally say for things you want to experience and yet after all this while, all you earn for yourself is the title of that yapping woman... it does nothing but shatters you completely!

How do you make peace? How do you accept all of this and go ahead? Sure, a glass of wine would help ease the pain, but that is all temporary. What about permanent solutions? But then I feel, we live in a time where nothing is actually permanent in life and that, my friend, is the sad reality!

After a few years of togetherness, you find out that nothing ever is going to change! Things will remain the way they are or worse, they may take a backseat as well! The storm that has hit your lives decide to never leave you! 

Are you willing to take it forward and live with this truth? What would you do in such a situation? If you’re in a relationship, sure you can break-up, but what do you do in a marriage? Leave your partner, saying what, you have compatibility issues? In a society where the ideal marriage means having the arrangement of having the perfect house, perfect car, perfect in-laws or the perfect ‘wealth’ to fulfill all your desires and yet the biggest quotient of ‘love’ is absent, what do you do? Do you walk out of that arrangement? Or do you have an extra-marital affair or do you wait for that forlorn day when you will have love by your side? What really should one do in a situation like this? 

What you feel is the ray of hope in a darkness like this which is barely seen or observed?

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