A to Z Challenge is like the biggest mela that happens once in a year round the globe! The baap of all the challenges has become such a massive affair not just because of the huge numbers that sign up for it, but more so because the madness it creates and the thrill it brings around the globe. And believe me, the number keeps on rising every year!
This is the third year in a row of my A to Z experience, and I can’t be any happier. When I participated the first time, everything was haywire. There was no theme, no posts scheduled and no planning at all. And yet the challenge was fun! That's the magic of AtoZ!
The second year, I chose a theme and scheduled a few posts beforehand. Choosing a theme gives a lot of perspectives and makes your write ups more sorted. Sure, I was running behind after a few scheduled posts!
The second year, I chose a theme and scheduled a few posts beforehand. Choosing a theme gives a lot of perspectives and makes your write ups more sorted. Sure, I was running behind after a few scheduled posts!
And here I am for the third year now. I’m sure it’s going to be equally fun! As I am writing this, a kind of anxiousness is running behind my mind because I haven’t scheduled a single post as yet!
Don’t know how it’s going to unfurl this year?! Until this moment, I was having second thoughts about continuing with this theme, but I think I'll go for it!
Now, time to reveal the theme for April AtoZ Challenge, 2017. Can we have the drum rolls, please!
My theme for this year is:
Let’s look things differently!
Yes, this year, I want to bring out the things where we see things in a conventional way and yet every story has its own side, the one which we fail to see and draw conclusions. Every day, there will be instances that will bring us to the reality we all live in. By writing on this theme, I hope it will change things a bit, give new dimensions to our perspective and help us be those compassionate individuals who’re willing to be the change in our society and make it a better place!
Get ready to get on the magical ride of the daily nuances that happen in all our lives. If only, we pay them to heed and see on a positive note! Some will be happy ones while some would make you ponder for a lot of things that prevail in our society.
I hope you enjoy reading the posts, as much as I’d enjoy writing them! Stay tuned!
Have a month full of reading and writing!