Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Scared to Switch? Don’t be!


It was a few months ago or maybe over a year when I read about menstrual cups. Initially, there were uncountable questions in my head. 

And there were apprehensions. 

What? How? Why? When? Just like you must be having them. And it is only normal to think of such questions coz we had never heard of them before, let alone anyone talk about it.

But not anymore. I first got to know about it from Shailaja. She wrote an entire post on it and believe me when I read it, I was intrigued… A lot. I then started digging more and more articles and videos related to it. And by the time I was ready to try them, I got pregnant. Months later, there was another video and I was charged again to make the switch. After settling with everything, I finally mustered the courage to order my first cup from Boondh and couldn’t wait to finally try it.

Some of you must be wondering what they are in the first place? Well, the menstrual cup is a type of reusable feminine hygiene product. It is a small, flexible, funnel-shaped cup made of medical grade silicone that accumulates period fluid by being placed inside the vagina. Sterilization of the cup is required during the beginning and the end of the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle.

The first time I used the cup, it was a bit different. It always takes a little time to adapt yourself with something new. And making a change after being accustomed to something for almost two decades is not easy. But it is not even difficult. Believe me.

The first 2-3 times (in the first cycle), the sight of the blood was a bit scandalous but that feeling went away soon. It is all temporary and doesn’t make a difference at all. 

I did feel there was something inside me initially but that too went away and I realized, it is way more comfortable compared to sanitary pads. You may get used to it with as early as with the second cycle (at least, I did) to the level that you won’t even feel you are having periods. Yes! And I am not exaggerating.

Since the time, I’ve been using them, I am bragging about all the pros of it and not even a single con.

They make those days rash free, you can go in waters, do yoga, run a mile, the cramps are gone and let me not get started with the statistics of the garbage that sanitary pads produce and the amount of them that gets collected and the quantum of how much they harm the environment! In simpler words, menstrual cups are THE BEST THING for the environment! I know when it comes to personal hygiene, thinking of the environment would be the last thing on your mind but when something gets comfortable, there is no harm in thinking either. Also, you don’t need to remove the cup while urinating or excretion.

I’m sure you must have heard of the chemicals and bleaching properties being used in making a sanitary pad and how much it affects our body in the long run. A menstrual cup does no such harm and you can use the cup for 10 + years! Good for both body and environment. Not to mention your pockets as well.

Now that I use it, I only feel why did I wait so long? Why didn’t I switch to it earlier and was punishing myself (and the environment) with the pads?! But I am happy and glad that I made the switch.

The videos on Youtube always come to the rescue. From the process of insertion to maintaining it all clean, they are all there. Just check out a few videos and you will be good to go.  

After using it for some time, I felt the need to write about it and make you guys aware of it.

You can always ask questions or DM if you have doubts about them. I’m sure you have a few! 

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