Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Of the Days gone by...

In these last few years, if I have realized learned one thing about myself is that I am NOT visionary! And I pay its price each time for not being one. And yet, I try each day, before each event, before every big day that takes place. No matter how much I plan beforehand, there is something or the other I miss. Seldom does it ever happen when everything is perfect.

Luckily, when my baby was born, I had everything I needed at the hospital (thanks to all the Youtube videos and family members). Those nine months were all about resting, laughing, eating hogging food and sleeping. I wasn’t doing anything per se (except making a baby, which is also a great deal), and thus I turned into this lazy person.

I remember hating to sleep coz it wastes time but these 9 months and the rest that followed later, plus that extra weight I gained on every part of my body, kind of stuck me to wherever I settled. Simple chores for me became huge tasks, moving around the house felt more like a burden and all I wanted to do was sit at one place and boss everyone around to give me my stuff, my food, my phone, my charger, everything. And all of this made me crankier. Also, the thought that my behavior would affect my baby literally ate me and thus I couldn’t act too much cranky, thus becoming even more frustrated.

One thing I noticed is hardly anyone talks about Post-Partum. The knowledge on this subject is rare and isn’t even much spoken about and thus I am going to write a post on this. Coz I need to more than I have to!

When I started writing this post, I had a few things in mind but because I/m writing after a long time, all the thoughts that crossed my mind one after the other took the form of words here. I’m sure you must have noticed this while reading it.

How has life been treating you guys? What new is going on? Any new news you want to share?

Hope to hear you out J


Friday, 31 August 2018

Look... they are so many!

Getting back to writing is really tough. Thinking of writing a blogpost and then editing it, finding the right picture and then posting it. It feels way more tedious than it actually is. And I have been opening my laptop so many times, opened Word, thought of writing something, stared at the blank screen and then shut it down. This had been my routine for the past few months. Getting back isn’t easy but it sure is rewarding. It's therapeutic as well and I realize this as I am typing this sentence. When I look back at the month that has gone by, all I want to think about are all the great things that came my way. And so I thought why not make a list of it?! Let’s see what I’ve got: 

1.   Number one to top the list would be the way my baby started laughing at small triggers. Just a small naughty expression and she is all gaga over it. The constant giggling and laughter is nothing but honey to my ears.

2.  Friendships Day. There wasn’t any celebration per se but an outing with your friends with a good food and eventful day is enough to be worthy of it.

3.   Clicking cutest of pictures of my baby!

4.   I left the baby home for the first time and went for an event. I made a few connections and met new people. What I took from that event was lots of confidence and self-realization. Also, I never thought the baby would be able to stay without me for 8 long hours and yet she did! Which also gives the green signal to get back to work asap.

5.  Signing up for an option which might give a new direction to my life. I am super-duper excited to learn this new thing and I hope it falls in place. Touchwood.

6.     Conversation with my best friend for an hour or two… just like old days.

7.     Having my best friend by my side who takes all the possible efforts to ensure I’m fine.

8.     Snapchat videos with my baby.

9.    Materializing the casual discussion into an actual plan with my cousins. Traveling with my Girl tribe will be nothing but full of surprises. Well, this makes me realize, the randomness of discussion is directly proportional to its materialization. So peeps, chuck all the planning and take your random thoughts a tad too serious… you never where you might land up.

10.  Donated to #KeralaFloods and promoted for it on Social Media. It’s always important to do your bit.

11.    Got Rakhi gifts for my siblings and received wonderful gifts too in return.

12.    Made space for a plant in my room.

13.    De-cluttered to some extent.

14.  Had the fruit from the plant whose seed I planted 3 years ago. It was bliss.

15.  Started with the class I signed up for and it is going good so far.

16. Met this new person and I am being really positive after the meeting. Keeping my fingers crossed. For once, I am thinking about myself before doing anything.

17.   Finished reading the book I started long back.

18.  Offered support to my sister and gave wings to her logic and somehow brought the whole family on the same page. *If only I could muster this much courage for myself* (rolling eyes).

19.  Ordering those touch and feel books for my baby. The new additions in her collection were the puppet and finger books. The joy on her face was precious.

20. It was my baby's first Rakhi and the day went well. We went for bowling and games and it was wonderful. I think we should do it more often!

At the end of the month I feel nothing but positive… and hopeful for a better tomorrow.  Do you guys feel the same way? This was my way of getting back to writing and see some light that I was continuously escaping from, from a long time.


Friday, 12 January 2018

10 Things No One Knows About Me

There are certain things that everyone knows about us and then there are the ones which no one knows. People do think they know us in and out but only we know how much truth holds in that statement ;). And so, I decided to make a list of things about me which no one knows. I'm not sure if it's going to be fun but sure wanted to give it a try.

Go ahead and read them all.

1.   I am way too sensitive than anyone will ever know. Even the tiniest of things affect me and yes, I try too hard not to overthink think or expect anything, yet a thousand thoughts refuse to leave my head.

2.   People around me think they know everything about me but there is always something that they don’t know. And that something involves major details of my life :P. So if you think you know everything about me or know me too well, think again!

You think you know all my secrets, ha? :P

My judgment often finds its way when it comes to giving suggestions to others and most of them turn out to be helpful as well. But at the same time, when it comes myself, all my sense of decisiveness goes to Mars I guess. I have no clue about what to do, how to do, should I do it or not and fail to discriminate between what is right and what is wrong. That’s the reason why I feel so miserable at times.

I'm mostly wrong about myself! (Rolling eyes)

No matter how hard I try, I’m not able to market myself well be it about my work or things I do in my personal life. I am never able to show it off or portray about doing it. I strongly feel why do I have to flaunt it or boast it in front of people about the good thing that I did. People will learn about it anyway. I should focus on doing well. 

If only flaunting it off was as easy as flaunting a dress!

I may look a confident, independent girl on the outside but deep down I’m just the opposite. And by opposite I mean, anything but these adjectives (or at least that is how my state of mind is at the moment).


   People see me as someone who is always surrounded with friends and family, etc. and hence I always have someone to go to every time, (sure, I have people around) yet, I see myself as a lonely person.

That's how it is when I'm stuck with problems

I’ve almost forgotten how to lie. I don’t know if it is a good thing or bad but whatever is there in my heart or whatever little knowledge I have I share it exactly the way it is. No twisting and turning. I’ve forgotten how to manipulate things. Again, wondering if it’s good or bad. Given the times we live in, I feel it’s mostly on the downside.

Yes! That's me at lying

I strictly follow the tit-for-tat principle. I do things the way they are done to me. And I often fail to make the first move. *Rolling eyes*


Sometimes, what people think of me means everything to me. I know, it’s not right but that is how it gets so many times.

10.  There used to be a time when I was good at making friendships. People still think I am great with networking, but only I know how terrible I’ve become at making contacts and maintaining them.

Me at making contacts

I don’t know if I should be sharing it all here or not and I also, am aware of the risk of writing it here. But then I feel, this is my blog which is an image of myself and I’m sure all of us have our weaknesses. It's just I chose to write it down here.

And it took a great deal of time to come out with them and share it with everyone.

Care to share what no one knows about you? I’d be happy if you’re doing a post on it. Otherwise too, I’d be glad to know.

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