Friday 12 April 2019

#AtoZChallenge K- Kohl

A day without kajal feels so dull and not to mention, people around you start to feel you've not slept well or are unwell. I'm sure it must be your story as well!

Isn't it your most favorite and most used product? Kohl is one thing that is highly popular amongst teens, college girls, married, middle age and even amongst elder women. Just a simple black stroke brings so much of life to the eyes and to the face, isn’t it? Look at the picture to see what I mean.


There are obviously a lot of ways of applying kohl but the most simple is applying on the waterline. 
However, a good number of people fear when it comes to experimenting with kajal. What if it gets too dark? What if it converts into vampire look? What if it doesn’t suit me? Well, the questions are plenty in your head, I'm sure. 

Okay, now tell me, how many of you smudge your kajal after its application? I’m sure a few of you must be doing this like a pro, but many people are still hesitant about it.

And so, for you beautiful people, I have brought a new way to apply your kajal with a little smudging.

Follow the video and tell me if you feel you can try it.

Comment for more questions.



  1. I keep watching the videos you share on Instagram, and the pictures, too. I am a simpleton, but I love watching makeup videos a lot! How I wish I could come over to you for a make-over! :)

    1. You do?! I am so glad! At least, someone is watching them!! You should try a few techniques and connect with me if you have any doubts anytime.
      I will be more than happy to give you one, Shilpa!



Thanks for dropping by :)