Thursday 11 April 2019

#AtoZChallenge J- Jawline

Ever wanted a killer jawline but don’t have one? Or, couldn’t make one? Well, I have a tutorial for you that will help you make that perfect, sexy jawline you always desired.

Take a bronzer two tones darker than your foundation or a shadow two shades darker than your skin tone and create that perfect jawline. Follow the brush strokes and the angle the way I have done in the video and I’m sure you will be through with it.


Luckily, I am blessed with a great jawline, so I don’t have to work too much for it. But I do have double-chin and for that, I have to work extra!

In this video, I have first used a cream concealer, 2 shades darker than my skin tone, blended it into my skin and then used a powder shade of a darker color to create the perfect jawline that gives you an uplifted look.

Have doubts? Tell me in the comments or DM me.



  1. I never had an idea that jawline could be altered via make-up. This would be better than surgery.

    do check my post.

    1. Haha! Makes sense! One can always try this before opting for surgery.


  2. Well.. Im really bad with anything make up, so this looks good :)


Thanks for dropping by :)